
白发苏州 作者:余秋雨 译者:梁双新

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2023-10-12 20:27:21






       苏州是我常去之地。海内美景多得是,唯苏州,能给我一种真正的休憩。柔婉的言语,姣好的面容,精雅的园林,幽深的街道,处处给人以感官上的宁静和慰藉。现实生活常常搅得人心志烦乱,那么,苏州无数的古迹会让你熨帖着历史走一定情怀。有古迹必有题咏,大多是古代文人超迈的感叹,读一读,那种鸟瞰历史的达观又能把你心头的皱折慰抚得平平展展。看得多了,也便知道,这些文人大多也是到这里休憩来的。他们不想在这儿创建伟业,但在事成事败之后,却愿意到这里来走走。苏州,是中国文化宁谧的后院。 做了那么长时间的后院,我有时不禁感叹,苏州在中国文化史上的地位是不公平的。历来很有一些人,在这里吃饱了,玩足了,风雅够了,回去就写鄙薄苏州的文字。京城史官的眼光,更是很少在苏州停驻。直到近代,吴侬软语与玩物丧志同义。





     White Haired Suzhou

           By Yu Qiuyu

      A few years ago, the United States just celebrated its 200th anniversary. The opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympics magnificently showcased their two centuries of history. A few days ago, Australia was celebrating their 200th anniversary too, with thousands of sails racing in the bay, which was indeed exciting. At the same time, our Suzhou city quietly celebrated its 2500th anniversary. The length of time makes you a bit dizzy. 

      At night, people from Suzhou walked through the streets of 2500 years ago and returned home to watch TV broadcasts of National Day of the United States and Australia. Outside the window, the vines of the ancient city gate hang down, and the Tiger Hill Pagoda is hidden in the night sky. The rivers are being cleaned up and it is said that they want to make a eastern Venice. When these rivers were crowded with boats, Venice was still a wasteland. 

       Suzhou is a place I often visit. There are many beautiful sights in our country, but only Suzhou can provide me with a true rest. Soft words, beautiful faces, elegant gardens, and deep streets provide sensory tranquility and comfort everywhere. Real life often disturbs people's minds, so the countless historical sites in Suzhou will make you feel a certain emotional connection with history. If there is a historical site, there must be a poem. Most of it is the extraordinary lament of ancient literati. Read it, and the kind of bird's-eye view of history can soothe the wrinkles in your heart. After seeing more, I know that most of these literati also come here to rest. They don't want to create great things here, but after success or failure, they are willing to come here for a walk. Suzhou is the peaceful backyard of Chinese culture. Having been in the backyard for so long, I sometimes cannot help but sigh that Suzhou's position in Chinese cultural history is unfair. There have always been some people who have had enough to eat and play here, and have enough elegance to write disdainful words about Suzhou when they return home. The vision of the capital historians is that they rarely stop in Suzhou. Until modern times, The Suzhou soft dialect was synonymous with playing with things and losing one's aspirations. 

      The reason is concise: Suzhou lacks the aura of Jinling Kings. There is no Senran Palace here, but only a garden. There is no battlefield here, and only a few city gates have been built. The music here cannot pass through the grand official sedan chair, and the folk customs here do not worship the ban of suppression. The flowing water here is too clear, the peach blossoms here are too beautiful, and the playing and singing here are a bit provocative. The snacks here are too sweet, the women here are too quiet, there are too many tea houses, the bookstores here are too dense, the calligraphy here is too fluent, the paintings here are not cool and vigorous enough, and the poetry here lacks the low throat voice of the heroes of Yishui. 

      So, Suzhou, burdened with various charges, sat silently, welcoming and sending each other, living peacefully. But he also refused to reorganize his attire and accept that royal aura. Anyway, I'm already old. Why suffer from the pain of following? It's a long story, Suzhou's grievances were already suffered over 2000 years ago. 

      At that time, it was just in the late Spring and Autumn period that the Wu Kingdom in Suzhou and the Yue Kingdom in Zhejiang were inseparable from each other. In fact, Wu and Yue were originally one family, and the leaders of both countries were foreign adventurers. First, King Goujian of Yue killed King Helu of Wu, and then the successor King Fuchai of Wu defeated Goujian. Gou Jian used his cunning and cowardly courtship, but in fact, he worked hard to make a comeback ten years later, becoming the last hegemon of the Spring and Autumn period. This matter is almost well-known in China. It was originally a melee where right and wrong were indistinguishable. Unfortunately, later generations only appreciated Gou Jian's strategy and patience, mocking Fuchai to death. For thousands of years, Kuaiji, the capital of Goujian, has been praised as the "hometow of revenge and shame", and Suzhou, of course, is the land of the fallen monarch.

      Thinking about the Wu Yue melee, the people of Suzhou suffer the most Two of the major battles fought between Wu and Yue were in the wild. One was in the south of Jiaxing, and the other was in Dongting Mountain of the Taihu Lake. The third was Gou Jian's capture of Suzhou. It is easy to see what happened. As early as Goujian's use of tactics, the people of Suzhou also suffered continuously. Gou Jian used boiled rice to pay tribute to the State of Wu, and the State of Wu used it to sow without any harvest. The famine was received by the peopl of Suzhou; Gou Jian encouraged Fu Chai to enjoy himself, and countless pavilions were built. The labor was borne by the people of Suzhou. Finally, the taste of being a slave to the country was once again tasted by the people of Suzhou. Legend has it that another important aspect of Gou Jian's strategy is to offer the beautiful woman Xi Shijin from the state of Yue to Fu Chai, luring him into indulging in licentiousness and idleness in state affairs. Later Xi Shi, was thrown into the river by officials from her hometown because she was already connected to the word "national subjugation" and the hegemon was the most taboo. Suzhou has a soft heart, and they don't care about how much disaster this girl has caused them. They only feel sorry for her and keep a large number of her relics as a souvenir, true or false. It is said that Lingyan Temple on the top of Lingyan Mountain in the western suburbs of Suzhou today is the place where Xi Shi originally lived, known as the "Guanwa Palace" by the King of Wu. Lingyan Mountain is a major scenic spot in Suzhou. If you encounter a few enthusiastic Suzhou elders while traveling, they will tell you in detail where Xishi Cave is, where Xishi Trails are, where playing with the Moon Pond is, where Wu Wangjing is, and any place that is related to Xishi. Just as the Kuaiji people were constantly proud of the tradition of revenge, the girl Xishi they sent was hiding on the other side's mountain top for a long time. You become the king, he becomes the king, regardless of whether it will perish or not, the people of Suzhou ignore it. This also destined that emperors throughout history rarely looked forward to Suzhou.



About the author:

      Liang Shuangxin, male, a member of the CPC, born in Guannan, Jiangsu province, a senior teacher of Guannan Senior Middle School in Jiangsu Province, a member of China Society of Foreign Languages, a member of Jiangsu Poetry Association, and a member of Lianyungang Poetry Association, vice president of Guannan Poetry Association,loves calligraphy, translation and poetry, participated in national, provincial, municipal calligraphy, poetry competitions and won many awards, works scattered on many network platforms such as Baidu, China Poetry Network, Wechat Writers of China and in the poetry journals like Huaguoshan poetry.


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