
全球发展战略专家 海之梦•希 岸 在北京为祖国发声一一北京金榜头条 精华

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2022-08-16 19:12:16

我为祖国发声:今日,全球发展战略专家 海之梦•希   岸 在北京为祖国发声


2022-08-15 02:41北京


I speak for the motherland: today, the global development strategy expert Hai Zhimeng - Xi'an made an impassioned speech in Beijing to speak for the dear motherland

我为祖国发声:今日,联合国世界文联全球文化文学艺术发展联盟主席、世界文联事业促进会主席、世界文联常务副主席兼秘书长、世界作家协会领导成员、全委会委员,世界知名大学智库专家,世界大学城智库专家,全球发展战略智库国际问题研究专家,中国发展战略智库国家发展研究专家,中华伏羲智库专家,中国院高级专家、研究员,牛津大学艺术学院博士生导师,北大教授,著名文化学者、社会活动家、演讲家、教育家、政论家、评论家、作家、书法家、音乐人、爱国主义诗人 海之梦 •希 岸 在北京慷慨陈词,为亲爱的祖国密集发声!


世界智库 ………………………环球瞭望

时事热点 ………………………名家论坛

独家观点 ………………………权威解析





全球发展战略智库专家、世界大学城智库专家、中国发展战略智库国家发展研究专家、中国院中国古典诗词歌曲研究专家、北大元培智库中华学术委员会专家、著名文化学者、政论家、评论家、作家、书法家、爱国主义诗人、音乐人 王 泽 / 海之梦•希 岸 “为祖国发声”原创政论作品、音乐作品、书法作品合集,谨以此献给我亲爱的祖国!希望大家雅鉴!




中国台海军事演训是所谓的 “俄乌战争” 吗?



  —— 痛斥以美国为首的西方诸国的阴谋论调


文 / 海之梦•希     岸

















  —— 海之梦•希 岸二0二二年八月十三日於北京


本文来源于全球发展战略智库、中国发展战略智库及中华伏羲智库,作者为 王 泽 / 海之梦•希   岸


I speak for the motherland: today, the global development strategy expert Hai Zhimeng - Xi'an made an impacted speech in Beijing to speak for the dear motherland! Is China's military exercises and training in the Taiwan Strait a war between Russia and Ukraine -- denouncing the conspiracy theories of western countries led by the United States article / dream of the sea since the US Democratic congressman Pelosi visited Taiwan, the Chinese people's Liberation Army has held large-scale military exercises and training activities around Taiwan in order to safeguard the reunification of the motherland and the sovereignty and territorial integrity! Recently, the West led by the United States openly said that China's military training activities around Taiwan are similar to the war between Russia and Ukraine! With regard to the above arguments, the author believes that as long as we carefully observe the West led by the United States, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion: China's military training activities around Taiwan are a just act for China to safeguard its sovereignty, territorial integrity and national reunification, rather than similar to the Russian Ukrainian war! The reason why the west, led by the United States, says so is their usual trick and technique in the world, which is famous for its barbarism and hegemony. It has always been a double standard, ignoring the facts, being unreasonable, and often lying with its eyes open! It is surprising that there are so many political idiots, national fools and human fools in the United States and the west, which have always been flaunting their false freedom, advancement and civilization! With regard to China's extremely normal military exercises and training activities around Taiwan, here we strongly advise and warn the West led by the United States: Here you must find out a major problem and fact. Russia and Ukraine are both countries with independent sovereignty. Therefore, the Russian Ukrainian war is a war between two countries with independent sovereignty. It is a just war against Ukraine in order to maintain national security and win living space; The problems between China and Taiwan are very different! As we all know, there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan has been China's inherent territory since ancient times and is an important part of China's territory. This is an indisputable fact recognized by the United Nations and the international community! Moreover, at present, China's military activities in the Taiwan Strait and around the Taiwan island are normal military exercises and training activities, not war. This is a very clear and indisputable fact! Of course, even if one day our country is in a desperate situation, if the peaceful reunification of Taiwan loses its last chance or cannot be achieved, and can only be forced to recover Taiwan by force, it will be China's just action to recover the lost land and complete the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. This is purely a matter of China's internal politics! Therefore, this can not be compared with the Russian Ukrainian war! By this analogy, the western countries led by the United States deliberately confuse right and wrong, which is the political conspiracy of the West led by the United States! If we want to say that China's military exercises and training activities in the Taiwan Strait are similar to the Russo Ukrainian war, there can only be one point, that is, the West led by the United States deliberately destroys world peace, stirs up contradictions, creates trouble, and brutally bullies other countries for its own interests, resulting in regional tensions and disputes. The author believes that the western countries led by the United States use conspiracy theory to compare China's legitimate actions to safeguard national reunification, sovereignty and territorial integrity around the Taiwan Strait to the Russian Ukrainian war. Their sinister intention is to establish a small NATO in the Asia Pacific version, so as to achieve such ulterior purposes as interfering in China's internal affairs, curbing China's development, and undermining peace and stability in the Asian region! It's Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows it! His heart is detestable, his deeds detestable! We must expose and denounce the sinister intentions of the United States and the western countries to the people of all peace loving and justice loving countries in the world, so that their conspiracy can be exposed in broad daylight and difficult to succeed, so as to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, national unity, and peace, stability and security in the Asia Pacific region and even the whole world!



 ——Dream of the sea - Xi'an, August 13, 2002 in Beijing


王 泽,笔名 海之梦•希 岸,全球发展战略智库国际问题研究专家,世界大学城智库专家,中国发展战略智库国家发展研究专家,中华伏羲智库专家,中国院高级专家、研究员,中国北大元培智库中华学术委员会专家、中国国际卫视总台评论员、牛津大学艺术学院博士生导师、北大教授,著名文化学者、政论家、评论家、演讲家、作家、教育家、书法家、爱国主义诗人、音乐人。




著名音乐人 海之梦•希 岸 携手创作团队全体成员倾情打造的大型主旋律型公益型 原创爱国主义歌曲作品《我们携手人类世界,共同走向光明未来》—— 谨以此歌曲,献给世界和平事业,人类命运共同体、第二十四届世界奥林匹克运动会暨党的二十大!(详见中国原创音乐基地、百度、喜玛拉亚、网易云音乐、QQ音乐等)。





荣誉总顾问:李光曦;总顾问:马栓柱;总策划、艺术总监兼作词:王 泽 / 海之梦•希 岸;作曲:张凯耀;编曲:李国庆;演唱:张婷;制作发行:红火马星灿文化传媒公司;形象大使:昊昊;形象代言人:彤彤。



联合国(UNB)世界文联全球文化文学艺术发展联盟主席、世界文联事业促进会轮值主席、世界文联常务副主席兼秘书长、世界作家协会领导成员、全委会委员,世界大学城智库特聘专家,世界东方舞大赛、亚太国际文化艺术节、亚太国际文化艺术风采大赛国际资深高级顾问、形象大使、特邀专家评委,中国院终身高级专家、访问学者及研究员,北京大学高等级智库中华学术委员会特聘专家,中国优秀文化传播大使,国家十六部委主管中国微电影大典组委会文化顾问,原文化部国家人才库秘书长,文化部中乡协陇右画派发展联盟主席、中乡协陇右画派研究院院长、中乡协陇右画派美术馆馆长,中国领导干部网书画研究院院长,中国国际卫视总台书画研究院院长,中国北京大地书画院常务院长,中国文化艺术人才库秘书长、发展中心主任、全国教学中心主任、文艺中心主任、专家评委,中国文联主管中国楹联学会成员,中央国家机关书法家协会成员,中国硬笔书法家协会成员、中国书法艺术研究院理事、研究员,中促会榜书艺术研究委员会成员,中国书法家协会陕西分会会员,陕西省书法家协会会员,甘肃省书法家协会会员 ,河南省硬笔书法研究院研究员,敦煌写经院成员,陇右画派创始人,国家国宾礼艺术家,国家一级美术师,国家一级书法师 、中国院高级专家、牛津大学艺术学院博士生导师、北大教授、著名文化学者、社会活动家、演讲家、教育家、政论家、评论家、作 家、书法家、音乐人、诗 人 王 泽 / 海之梦•希 岸 中国书法作品《 精      气      神 》



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